Honda, R., Endo, K., Kaji, T., Suzuki, Y., Matsuda, Y., Tanaka, S., Muramatsu, M., “Development of optimization method for truss structure by quantum annealing”, Scientific Reports, Vol. 14, No. 13872, pp. 1-13, (2024).

Multiphysics of polycrystalline materials

The research of this laboratory focuses on multiphysics in a broad spectrum of materials including metals, polymers and ceramics. We conduct mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of materials for functional devices such as fuel cells by coupling the mechanical behavior with other phenomena and/or bridging different scales of a phenomenon.

  • All
  • #Metal
  • #Polymer
  • #Ceramic
  • #Microstructure
  • #Mechanical Property
  • #Multiphysics Analysis
  • #Phase-field Model
  • #Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
  • #Machine Learning
  • #Quantum Computing
  • #Simulation