笠智咲⼦*, 児嶋佑太, 村松眞由「機械学習による透過型電⼦顕微鏡観察動画中の変形⾦属における転位の移動量評価」, 第29回計算工学講演会, ?-??-?? (6 pages), (2024).
MEMBERSタグ: Yuta Kojima
Ikeda, A.*,Higuchi, R., Yokozeki, T., Endo, K., Kojima, Y., Suzuki, M., Muramatsu, M., “Prediction of Microstructures of Dendrite Crystals and Process Parameters for Thermoplastic Resin Based on Mechanical Properties Using The Conditional Diffusion Model”, 16th World Congress on Computation Mechanics & 4th Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-PANACM2024), Canada (2024), MS1807, ??.
Kojima, Y.*,Hirayama,K., Harada, Y., Muramatsu, M., “Prediction of Three-dimensional Defect’s Information in Complex Shaped CFRP Specimens Using GNN Based on Stress Distribution on Surface from Homogenized Finite Element Analysis and Infrared Measurements”, 16th World Congress on Computation Mechanics & 4th Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-PANACM2024), Canada (2024), MS1807, ??.
池⽥有沙*, 樋⼝諒, 横関智弘, 遠藤克浩, 児嶋佑太, 鈴⽊美智, 村松眞由「Conditional Diffusionモデルを⽤いた⼒学特性に基づく熱可塑性樹脂のデンドライト結晶および加⼯温度の予測」, 第29回計算工学講演会, ?-??-?? (6 pages), (2024).
藤原紳也*, 児嶋佑太, 大出真知子, 村松眞由「フェーズフィールド法による2次元デンドライトの機械学習を用いた2次アームの抽出」, 日本金属学会状態図・計算熱力学研究会第5回研究会, 2-1, (2023).
Fujiwara, S.*,Okada,K., Endo,K., Kojima, Y., Ode, M., Muramatsu, M., “Evaluation method for the dendritic crystal by phase-field model using U-net and the effect of random terms”, 2nd IACM 2nd IACM Mechanistic Machine Learning and Digital Engineering for Computational Science Engineering and Technology (2nd IACM MMLDE-CSET), United States (2023), OS14, 2-5.
Kojima, Y.*,Hirayama,K., Endo,K., Harada, Y., Muramatsu, M., “Prediction of Three-dimensional Defectʼs Shape in Simple Shaped CFRP Specimens Using Transfer Learning Based on Two-dimensional Stress Distribution from Finite Element Analysis and Infrared Measurements”, 2nd IACM 2nd IACM Mechanistic Machine Learning and Digital Engineering for Computational Science Engineering and Technology (2nd IACM MMLDE-CSET), United States (2023), OS14, 2-4.
藤原紳也*, 児嶋佑太, 大出真知子, 村松眞由「フェーズフィールド法による2次元デンドライトの機械学習を用いた評価手法の提案」, 第36回日本機械学会計算力学講演会講演論文集, OS08-08 (4 pages), (2023).
児嶋佑太*,平山健太,原田祥久,村松眞由「単純形状CFRP試験片の応力解析および熱伝導解析」, M&M・CMD若手シンポジウム2023, ID17 (3 pages), (2023).
児嶋佑太*,平山健太,遠藤克浩, 原田祥久,村松眞由「有限要素解析による応力分布に基づく機械学習を用いた複雑形状CFRP試験片の欠陥3次元情報の予測」, 第36回日本機械学会計算力学講演会講演論文集, OS24-03 (4 pages), (2023).